Mean Green Carnivorous Plant Crochet Pattern


This crocheted carnivorous plant is the perfect decor piece to spice up your plant collection, add to your spooky Halloween decor, or just to get some attention in a shop window. Create your own man eating monster, complete with attitude!

This pattern is of intermediate difficulty and is 33 pages long, including over 60 detailed progress photos, 4 finished object photos, and 12 full pages of written instructions. Supported with a wire frame and a base filled with floral foam, this project requires no stuffing. It is best considered to be a crochet sculpture, not amigurumi or a stuffed animal!

Prior knowledge of crochet techniques is required to complete this project. The final sculpture measures approximately 13" tall when completed as written (will vary based on desired stem length and plant pot.)

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Copyright: Please do not distribute this pattern. Finished items made from this pattern may be sold with proper credit for the original design.